The NEW Norwex Products are here!

Products will be available for order at noon CDT on Sunday, August 2, 2015!

Today at the Annual Conference, the new products were announced and made available to attendees. Take a look at these fabulous new additions:

See more on our Pinterest board.


Unofficial pictures show they’ve also released a new color Bathroom Mitt — in the grey.

Schedule your party today to get yours for free.  Call or e-mail me to let me know what you’d like to order — or stop by the online store to place your order in just 2 days.



Waldo (aka ‘Beestie as in Waldo-beest)

I have to say that’s my response.  And what I’ve found to be the response of everyone with whom I’ve shared about Norwex.  I warned my first party host that the box she would receive for her party order would be disappointingly small.  You look inside and think, “That’s it?”.  You double-check all the items are accounted for.  You put your products away and they take up such a meager space on your shelf, in your cabinet, wherever you store them.

And then you pull out your EnviroCloth to start to clean.  And it’s freaking addictive!  I, who have avoided housework for many a year, worked non-stop for the first 2 weeks after getting my starter package to give all of my home’s downstairs the deep cleaning it was so famished for. I spent Mother’s Day cleaning my windows and my wooden blinds that were coated with several years’ pollen.  I would be bone weary from a day of cleaning and childcare, and general housewifery, but I’d sit down to read or watch a program, and the siren’s call beckoned; drew me up to find another surface that required some attention. (We have a St. Bernard — there’s not many surfaces that have escaped flung slobber, fur, or massive paw prints. But mostly the drool.)

By this time, my in-laws were visiting. The guest bathroom is “The Boys’ Bathroom”. The one my 15-year-old swore he’d cleaned to guest-readiness. (We have two teenage boys — need I say more about the condition of our bathrooms?) I hurriedly moved upstairs to the bathroom. An EnviroCloth and a little water, a Window Cloth, and a couple of shots of Descaler on the shower walls, and wipe, wipe here, wipe, wipe there. Quick mop of the floor. Done. Not the huge ordeal it’s always been. I’d not yet received my Blue Diamond cleaner that would make this bathroom look like new, but there was still worlds of difference.  My mother-in-law put in her order right then for her own cloths!

BEFORE                                                                                  AFTER

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I suppose when you consider that this:                                    is replaced by this:


Sorry for the quality. Click on image to more easily view.


you start to really understand that less is more.  Way more.

Norwex Online Mystery Host Party

July is a Mop Month!

Hosts of parties with sales $500 or more will receive a complete Superior Mop along with their other great items.

You could be the MYSTERY Host!

You’re invited to an Online Mystery Host Party.  Here’s how it works:

You’ll receive 1 entry for every $25.00 you spend, 3 entries for booking a party, and 10 entries for joining my team as a Norwex Independent Consultant. As long as the minimum criteria of $325 in sales and one booking is met, the party qualifies for Host Specials. There will be a drawing to determine who will get to be the party host and receive the Host Specials.  In addition to the products you order as a party participant, the host will receive these fine bonus products:

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Whether you already love Norwex or have never heard of it, you’ll want to take this opportunity to improve your quality of life by radically reducing the use of chemicals in your home and personal care routine with Norwex products.

All orders must by placed by midnight, July 31st. Drawing to be held once the party is closed. Winners will be announced.

You can place your order, book a party, or join my team:

    • online: Shop here, Schedule a party here, and Join my team here                                                   At checkout, enter Mystery Host as host name and check July Mystery Host Party to be included.
    • by calling me at 919.426.4472
    • by e-mailing me at

I look forward to choosing the Mystery Host!

Will it be you?

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Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Today is a banner day!   Not only do I finally get to break the news that I now can offer Essential Oils along with the fabulous Norwex cleaning products, but my bridled enthusiasm has  served as the impetus to finally get my website publicly published, so I can make my announcement via a post on my long put-off blog.

To celebrate, I’m offering FREE Norwex Fluff and Tumble Dryer Balls with any Essential Oils purchase of $100 or more.

These two product lines go together like Peanut Butter & Jelly.  Norwex enables you to clean your whole home without toxic chemicals.  essential oils enable you to care for your health and well being naturally.  And unsurprisingly, there’s often some overlap. Case in point, Norwex uses essential oils in our dishwashing liquid to give it it’s citrusy scent, as the active ingredients in many of our spa products, and in our Hand Sanitizer in place of toxic chemicals.

Here’s an example of the symbiotic relationship these two product lines have:

FAbric Softeners are Toxic

The use of dryer sheets are one of the top 5 causes of house fires as well as being one of the 3 most toxic chemicals in your home: oven cleaner, drain cleaner, and fabric softener.

According to the author of “The Brain Wash”, here are the seven most common chemicals found in dryer sheets and their effect on the central nervous system:


The solution? Wool dryer balls!

Simply Rebekah  points out 5 benefits to switching:


1) Dryer balls help your dryer run more efficiently.  They fluff up your laundry, prevent clothes from clumping,  increase air circulation, and cut down the amount of time it takes your clothes to dry. (The more dryer balls, the greater effect — I use 8 balls.  AND they’re quiet when tumbling!)
2) Dryer balls replace dryer sheets and liquid fabric softener, which saves money over time.  Dryer sheets and fabric softener aren’t very expensive, but the same set of dryer balls can be used years. (I’ve had mine for 2+ years)

3) Dryer sheets and liquid fabric softener are dangerous for your health. Negative health risks associated with wool dryer balls?  None. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) concurs.

4) Fabric softener makes your towels less absorbent.  The chemicals in fabric softener products leaves a film behind on your clothing.  It feels nice, but it actually makes your towels less effective.  (And they’re an absolute no-no on cloth diapers for same reason!)

5) Dryer balls can fluff up your stiff clothes-line-dried towels and clothes.  Skipping the dyer and using a clothes line is the best way to save money and it is easier on your clothes, but it makes them stiff.  Some people can’t stand that stiff feeling, but if you toss the stiff clothes into the dryer for a few minutes it really helps.

Enter Essential Oils

Before drying your next load of laundry, add your favorite essential oil to 4-6 dryer balls, toss them in the dryer, and enjoy the soft, fluffy, wonderful-smelling fruits of your labor.  2-3 drops of pure essential oil per ball should last a few loads. Add more drops if you would like a stronger scent.  The scent should last several loads.  Just refresh with more drops of oil when the scent fades.

You can also add a few drops of Lemon essential oil to your wash cycle to help remove grease and oil from fabrics.

Dryer Balls AND oil

Like I said… like Peanut Butter and Jelly.

You can place your order or enroll as an essential oil Wellness Advocate, to receive wholesale pricing :

Our most basic enrollment kit starts at $150 — that includes your free enrollment.  And allows you to get all your essential oil products at 25% off of retail price.  And your free Norwex Wool Dryer Balls!